Mentoring for Artists

Hello, I’m Paul Regan. In 2016 I founded Studio Fridays to support new and emerging artists with their practice and to help them get their work seen by a wider audience. Most Studio Fridays artists come to my Whetstone studio (London N20) every Friday for mentoring and to work alongside each other. I also regularly meet individual artists and small groups in person and over Zoom.

After joining Studio Fridays, artists have had very successful solo and group shows, shown work in open exhibitions (including at the Royal Academy and the Mall Galleries), appeared on Sky Arts Portrait and Landscape Artist of the Year, had their work shown at major art fairs and have been elected into some of London’s most prestigious art societies. You can read about each artists success on the news page. There is also a video of Studio Fridays artists talking about how I’ve been able to help them move their practice forward on the ‘mentor’ section of my personal website.

More information about what I offer can be found below. If you see yourself as an ambitious, new or emerging artist who would benefit from regular mentoring, please get in touch with me to enquire about availability and fees.

Paul Regan RWS
Founder of Studio Fridays
Instagram: @paulregan

Studio Practice and Mentoring Days

A group of fourteen, exciting, new and emerging artists come to my studio in Whetstone, North London, every Friday for mentoring and to work alongside each other.

Studio Fridays studio days run from 10.15am to 4pm. Each twelve week term includes:

  • Representation on*
  • 12 energised and supportive studio days, working alongside other Studio Fridays artists.
  • Weekly mentoring with Paul Regan RWS.
  • Two individual mentoring sessions with art critic Estelle Lovett.
  • Regular professional practice discussions.
  • Participation in the biennial Studio Fridays Art Fair

* New members will be added to the website once they have a solid and consistent body of work.


Individual and Group Mentoring Sessions

If you would like to meet me, either in person or over Zoom, individually or as part of a group of up to three artists, please get in touch.

Group mentoring sessions provide excellent peer bubbles. Artists not only benefit from my knowledge and experience, but also from each other artist. It is sometimes possible to join an existing group.

I also offer mentoring and critique sessions at universities, schools and art societies. Please feel free to get in touch with your requirements and for a quote.